Fuente: The Nature Conservacy.

Esta posición está localizada en el norte de los Andes Tropicales y el Programa de Conservación de América Central y del Sur (CP) oficina de The Nature Conservancy (NASCA), ubicada en Bogotá, Colombia. El titular es responsable de aplicar y utilizar las herramientas de análisis espacial para asegurar una planificación adecuada conservación en la Amazonía Andina específicamente para el departamento del Caquetá en Colombia. El titular debe poseer la capacidad de evaluar la calidad, consistencia y disponibilidad de datos espaciales adecuados, analizar y simular las tendencias espaciales en la integridad del paisaje, el uso del suelo y la respuesta de la biodiversidad. El uso de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica y otra información espacial será también potentes herramientas para el análisis de los cambios de uso del suelo, la planificación de la conservación y apoyar la toma de decisiones. El titular también se coordinará con los socios, talleres o contratos y proporcionará la formación necesaria a los socios sobre los SIG, herramientas de planificación de la conservación y otras habilidades técnicas. El Conservation Information Manager III es responsable de la gestión y el almacenamiento adecuado de toda la información espacial derivada de esta geografía. Socios tendrán experiencia en actividades de carbono forestal, así como el conocimiento y la experiencia de la conservación de los bosques en la Amazonía y los mecanismos de REDD. (…)

Convocatoria completa en inglés:


Bogotá, Colombia


The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working to make a positive impact around the world in more than 35 countries, all 50 United States, and your backyard. Founded in 1951, the mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Visit www.nature.org/aboutus to learn more.

The Nature Conservancy offers competitive compensation, 401k or savings-plan matching for eligible employees, excellent benefits, flexible work policies and a collaborative work environment. We also provide professional development opportunities and promote from within. As a result, you will find a culture that supports and inspires conservation achievement and personal development, both within the workplace and beyond.


This position is based in The Nature Conservancy’s Northern Tropical Andes and Southern Central America Conservation Program (CP) office (NASCA), located in Bogotá Colombia. The incumbent is responsible to apply and use spatial analysis tools to ensure appropriate conservation planning in the Andean Amazon region specifically for the Caquetá department of Colombia. The incumbent must possess the ability to evaluate quality, consistency, and availability of appropriate spatial data, analyze and simulate spatial trends in landscape integrity, land use and biodiversity response. The use of Geographic Information Systems and other spatial information will be also powerful tools for the analysis of land use changes, conservation planning and support decision-making. The incumbent will also coordinate with partners, workshops or contracts and provide required training to partners on GIS, conservation Planning tools and other technical skills. The Conservation Information Manager III is responsible for management and adequate storage of all spatial information derived from this Geography. Partners S/He will have expertise in forest carbon activities as well as knowledge and experience of forest conservation in the Amazon and REDD + Mechanisms

Also the Conservation Information Manager III :

  • Participates in conservation planning at various levels
  • Develops methods for mapping and classifying ecosystems and data management; includes developing and maintaining all documentation for data and data management
  • Performs data analysis; designs and produces advanced complex queries and professional reports
  • Processes spatial and other relational data sets derived from cartographic and tabular source material
  • Provides hardware and software support
  • Develops and delivers training to staff individually and in groups
  • Produces maps and other graphic products and reports
  • Develops and maintains GIS library and/or database products library

This position will be supervised by the Colombian Andean Amazon- Caquetá Coordinator of NASCA Conservation Program.


  • MS or BS degree and certification in related field and 3 years related experience, or equivalent combination of education and experience.
  • Experience managing, maintaining and populating databases and manual files.
  • Experience in managing multiple projects.
  • Experience in analyzing data and producing data reports.
  • Experience supervising staff (if required).
  • Experience in developing and/or delivering training.

Complete details available in this LINK.

Artículo anteriorInvitación conversatorio ‘Conceptos básicos de consulta previa y consentimiento’.
Artículo siguienteConvocatoria abierta para investigadores: Observatorio Nacional Educación Ambiental.